- Introduzione
- Caratteristiche
- Plotting examples
- Requisiti di sistema
About pro Fit
pro Fit is a Macintosh (Mac OS) application for data/function analysis, plotting, and curve fitting. It is used by scientists and engineers to analyze their measurements and the mathematical models they use to describe them.
Scientists or students can define any mathematical function and use it to model their data, finding by linear or nonlinear curve fitting the function parameters that best describe their observations. Moreover, they can use a number of tools for the mathematical and statistical analysis of functions and data sets, and they can produce esthetically pleasing graphical representations for their scientific reports.

What's new in pro Fit 6.2?
- Built-in Python support. Python within pro Fit is now a full equivalent of pro Fit's traditional Pascal-like language for defining pro Fit programs and functions. Python is a mature programming language with a rich feature set well-suited for scientific computations, and it can tap into a vast choice of scientific libraries, such as numpy and scipy
- Extended fitting capabilities. The fitting algorithms have been modified for better convergence and more versatility in multidimensional fitting, and an automatic fitting algorithm runs fits instantaneously when the underlying data changes
- Additional data processing tools: New commands for convolution and correlation, revamped sorting capabilities, improved text file import
- Performance: Various parts of pro Fit have been optimized for threaded processing and yield improved performance on multicore CPUs
pro Fit 6.2 feature list
- A full drawing editor for creating graphs and plots.
- Spreadsheets for storing and manipulated data of arbitrary size.
- Unique fitting capabilities.
- Python and Pascal support for customizing and scripting.
- Expandability through plug-ins and Apple Script.
- Fully recordable.
- Ease of use, powerful on-line help.
- Extensive metadata support in pro Fit documents. Ability to categorize them using Smartfolders or to find them through Spotlight in Mac OS 10.4 and later.
Professional drawing, plotting and printing
Create drawings and plots in a powerful drawing editor, draw at zoom factors between 25 and 400% using a wide choice of drawing tools and commands:
- Edit texts with multiple sub- and superscripts and mixed fonts.
- Multiple graphs per page. Multiple axes per graph.
- Freely customizable formats for axes, grids and labels. Axes can have linear, logarithic, probability and 1/x scaling. Inverted axes. Pre- and postfix for labels.
- Style sheets for graphs.
- 'Camera ready' printing quality on PostScript and non-PostScript printers.
- Plot types: functions, scatter plots, bar charts, skyline, boxplots, contour plots, color plots.
- Anti-aliasing.
- Edit multiple curves at once.
Graphics export formats
- EPS files
- PICT with embedded POSTSCRIPT, high resolution bitmaps or high resolution vector graphics
Fitting Features
- Interactive, powerful curve fitting.
- Automatic fitting algorithm runs fits instantaneously when the underlying data changes.
- Fit up to 128 parameters, fit any subset of the parameters.
- Each parameter can be constrained within limits.
- Work with built-in or user defined functions.
- Marquardt-Levenberg, Robust, Polynomial and Monte Carlo algorithms. Automatic initial parameter guessing, including peak finders for Gaussian, Lorentzian and Voigt peaks.
- Linear Regression.
- Error analysis using covariance matrices or statistical methods.
- Data can have y- as well as x-errors.
- Unique manual fitting: Click and drag a function's curve when varying it's parameters.
- Multidimensional fitting, i.e. for fitting a function with several x- and/or y-values to a data set of the corresponding number of x- and y-columns.
- Special, pre-defined peak functions for identifying and fitting Gauss, Lorentz and Std-Voigt peaks.
- Various Bessel functions.
Editing and transforming data
- Spreadsheets with up to 16 millions of rows and columns.
- Data types: numerical, text, date, time.
- Built-in commands for statistics, transformation and data processing.
- Linear and non-linear transformations, FFT, sorting, data reduction, binning, gridding and more.
- User definable data transformation algorithms.
- Data can be viewed and edited graphically.
- Discontinuous selections with individual cells.
- Analyze your functions in a new non-modal window with dynamic updates for changing parameters while it calculates the values, derivatives, integrals or roots.
- Convolution, correlation.
Importing and exporting data
- Import and export through text files or Drag and Drop.
- Automatic conversion of most common data formats.
- Manual conversion for custom data formats.
- Plug-ins for importing data from various applications, such as Igor, Kaleidagraph, HDF, or JCAMP-DX .
User defined functions and programs
- User defined functions for fitting, analysis and plotting.
- User defined programs for data transformations and scripting.
- Support for complex numbers, strings and characters.
- Powerful, easy-to-learn Pascal-like definition syntax with multiple statements, loops, variables, and subroutines.
- Full Python scripting support.
- Commands for accessing data, fitting, loading and saving files, drawing and more.
- Source level debugger (Python and Pascal scripting) for developing complex programs and functions.
- Increased total number of loadable plug-ins.
Automatic recording of all your actions for generating a Python or Pascal program or Apple Script to be replayed later.
Externally defined functions and programs
- Add plug-ins written with XCode, CodeWarrior or Apple Script
- Manual or automatic linking
Powerful predefined plug-in modules and programs
- 3D-plotting (based on OpenGL)
- Polar plots, vector plots, ternary plots
- Pie charts
On-line help
- Extensive, interactive on-line help based on Apple Help Viewer for using and programming pro Fit.
- Help tags.
- Intuitive, easy-to-learn user interface.
Unique "Preview" window
- View your data and functions immediately.
- Click and drag a function for varying its parameters.
- Click and drag data points for changing them.
Other features
- Enhanced syntax for defining programs and functions.
- Extensive Apple Script support.
- `Drag and Drop' data, text and pictures between pro Fit's windows and between applications.
- Multiple preferences files for multi-user environments.
- Optimization algorithms.
- Statistical analysis.
- pro Fit supports the MacOS X Services menu and handles text- and image-related services for text, data and drawing windows.
Examples of plots generated with pro Fit
The following are some examples of plots generated with pro Fit. As you will see, pro Fit provides support for many other graph types.
Support of MacOS 8.6 through MacOS X
pro Fit 6.2 is officially supported on MacOS 10.6 or better. pro Fit 5.5, 5.6, 6.0 and 6.1 are still available for user older versions of the MacOS.